City “Pushes In” Brand New “Tower 1” Ladder Truck
Posted November 8, 2018

Morehead Fire Chief Jeff Anderson came to brand new Mayor Jim Tom Trent and City Council in January, 2015 and requested that the City started thinking about getting a new ladder truck. Fast forward to Monday evening, October 8th, and, following the monthly City Council meeting, the Chief’s wish came true as he watched with pride as his volunteer fire fighters, Mayor Trent and City Council, “pushed in” the truck to its spot in Morehead Fire Station 1 for the first time.
The brand new $1.2 million dollar truck, built by the Sutphan Fire Truck Company in Ohio, is state of the art and will give the Morehead community at least 30+ years of service.
To read more about the Push In ceremony, please visit the article written by Brad Stacy for the Morehead News.