City to provide resources for outdoor seating
Posted May 29, 2020
MOREHEAD, Ky. — Restaurants can be open at 33% capacity for inside seating at this time. Outdoor seating is permitted and does not count towards the 33% capacity. Restaurants can expand outdoor seating to their parking lots and grassed areas of their property or if given permission by their property owner. If you do not have tables and chairs for outdoor seating, please call City Hall at 606-784-8505 to request tables and chairs. The City will be loaning tables and chairs for this purpose.
If you plan to add additional outdoor seating beyond normal, please make the City Planner aware of these changes. Any alcohol that is served outside normal seating areas must be approved by the Alcohol Beverage Control department in Frankfort, Kentucky.
If you have any questions, contact the City Planner, Rodney Fouch, at 606-784-8505 or email
The City understands this has been a very difficult time for small businesses and we are committed to working together to ensure the viability of all businesses. We are proud of the hard work and dedication our community has put into surviving this pandemic.
Please continue to follow the social distancing and sanitization guidelines that are being presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Kentucky Department of Public Health. Continue to follow state guidelines to promote the best safety precautions to keep those at high risk protected.
For more information about COVID-19 in our community, visit