Request to Inspect Public Records
Kentucky Open Records Act/Open Records Requests
What is the Kentucky Open Records Act?
The Kentucky Open Records Act (KRS 61.870 to KRS 61.884) provides access to public records that, by law, are not exempt from disclosure. For more information on the Kentucky Open Records Act, visit the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Web site at
What are public records?
Public records are those materials prepared, owned, used, possessed, maintained or retained by state and local government agencies that must be open for public inspection unless the records are excluded by any of the exemptions in the Kentucky Open Records Act. Public agencies are not required to compile information or to answer questions but are only required to provide specific records responsive to a request. For more information on the exemptions, please visit the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Website at
Is there a cost for records?
Yes. The City of Morehead, Kentucky charges 10 cents per released page and $3.00 per disc or jump drive (i.e. photographs, audio recordings, or video footage). The City Attorney sends a letter stating how much a requester owes for records. It is the policy of the City of Morehead to release records upon receipt of payment.
What is the timeframe for a response to my request?
State law requires a written response to an open records request be issued within five (5) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays). The five-day timeframe begins the day after receipt of the request.
How do I request a public record?
To request copies or to inspect public records, you must make a written request to the City of Morehead, Kentucky. Sign the request, print your name, and describe the records (be specific, i.e. name, date, location) you wish to inspect or obtain copies. Please include your address, phone number and email.
Mail or hand-deliver your request to the following addresses:
City of Morehead, Kentucky
ATTN: Helen Smith, City Clerk
314 Bridge Street
Morehead, KY 40351
Morehead Police Department
ATTN: Tiffany Lowe
309 West Main Street
Morehead, KY 40351
Email your request to the following:
Send to the attention of the City Clerk or City Attorney.
Questions should be directed to Helen Smith at 606-784-8505.
Online Form: Inspection of Public Records Request Form