Third positive case of COVID-19 reported in Rowan County
Posted May 6, 2020
MOREHEAD, Ky. — Today, one new case of COVID-19 has been reported in Morehead and Rowan County. This case is the first confirmed within city limits. The latest case brings Rowan county’s total to three, two of which have recovered so far. Additional information regarding this individual will not be released out of respect for them and compliance with medical privacy law.
As previously stated, additional cases are to be expected and both the county and city are prepared. The low number of positive cases represents a promising metric with Morehead and Rowan County’s relative population taken into consideration. We have been able to keep this number so low due to the tremendous job our community has done with social distancing.
Please continue to follow the social distancing and sanitization guidelines that are being presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Kentucky Department of Public Health. Continue to follow state guidelines to promote the best safety precautions to keep those at high risk protected.
For more information about COVID-19 in our community, visit