Morehead 911 Earns KACP Accreditation

We are happy to announce that today, August 6, 2024, the Morehead 911 was accredited by the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police (KACP.) This accreditation is the first time MOREHEAD 911 has received this accomplishment. Only twelve 911 centers have been accredited total, and we are the only one this year, so far, here in Kentucky. Attending this ceremony were- Chief of Police, Derrick Blevins, Mayor, Laura White- Brown, Morehead 911 Director, Karen Lewis, Police Captain Erskin Davis and Kentucky Associate of Chiefs of Police Executive Director, Shawn Butler.

The qualifications to earn this accreditation are:

  • Providing a means of independent evaluation of agency operations.
  • Provides a basis to correct deficiencies in the agency’s operations before they become public problems.
  • Requires that agencies commit policies and procedures to writing.
  • Provides a norm for an agency to judge its performance.
  • Has the potential to reduce liability insurance costs.
  • Promotes accountability among agency personnel and the even-handed application of policies.
  • Enhances the reputation of the agency, thereby helping to attract the most qualified candidates for employment.
  • Minimizes an agency’s exposure to liability, reducing vicarious liability suits.
  • Builds a stronger defense against lawsuits and citizen complaints.
  • Increases the community’s confidence in its police/sheriff department.
  • Recognizes agencies for meeting standards of excellence.

The Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police (KACP) was established in 1971. Their website states, “The KACP accreditation program allows accredited agencies to demonstrate they have met accepted standards for efficient and effective operations.” This accreditation process shows our community that our procedures are consistent and proves efficiency.

Left to Right: Chief of Police, Derrick Blevins, Mayor, Laura White-Brown, Morehead 911 Director, Karen Lewis, Police Captain, Erskin Davis

Left to Right: Mayor, Laura White-Brown, Morehead 911 Director, Karen Lewis, KACP Exec. Director, Shawn Butler, Chief of Police, Derrick Blevins