Morehead Splash Pad: A True Community Partnership
Posted April 12, 2018
Newly elected Mayor Jim Tom Trent was presented with a big challenge on his first day in office. The city pool that had served the community for nearly 40 years had been closed in the spring of 2014 because of major structural issues that made it unsafe. Morehead needed a water-play facility.
After looking at many different options, it became apparent that traditional pools and waterparks were just too costly for the City’s budget. Mayor Trent was then introduced to Chris Campbell and DWA Recreation for help in finding a more affordable water-play option.
After a nearly year of planning, collaborating, and designing between Campbell and the city, DWA finally found a solution for the community–a wilderness themed splash pad to match the area’s natural beauty. It features a one-of-a-kind tree house with two water slides along with forty additional water features for children of all ages to enjoy. “It is so refreshing to see how much Mayor Trent and his Team really care about their community, and how much passion they have to improve their city’s quality of life,” Campbell said.
Along the way, Mayor Trent and his Team were able to collaborate with Morehead Tourism for the purchase of land and with Rowan Co. Fiscal Court on the cost of the Splash Pad, making this a true community partnership. The mayor sums it up, “We are so blessed to live in a community that truly works together for the benefit of all.”
To view the “fly thru” concept video for the Splash Pad, click on this link: