Potential COVID-19 case in Rowan County
Posted March 12, 2020
The Gateway District Health Department, in coordination with the City of Morehead and Rowan County Judge/Executive Harry Clark, has issued the following statement:
Morehead and Rowan County officials discussed the potential COVID-19 case in Rowan County. We do not have a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Rowan County. However, testing is being performed and we will have additional information soon. The Department for Public Health tells us that any individuals who came into close contact with the suspected patient and DO NOT HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS are free to report to work and be in contact with their families. Employers may choose to enact stricter precautions. If a positive COVID-19 case is confirmed epidemiologists will begin an investigation.
Based on that investigation, a 14-day period of isolation at home may be required. Anyone in isolation will be monitored daily. Close contact is defined as within six feet of the patient for 20 minutes or longer. Everyone with local healthcare systems, emergency management and the Department for Public Health are doing everything possible to prevent, limit, and/or slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
For further guidelines visit the webpage for the Cabinet of Family and Health Services COVID19 at https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dph/Pages/covid19.aspx.