Women’s Task Force for Gender Equality in Appalachia Established
Posted March 31, 2021
Mayor Laura White-Brown of the City of Morehead held a press conference Monday, March 29, on the grounds of the Morehead Moonlight School to announce the establishment of a Women’s Task Force on gender equality in Appalachia.
Mayor White-Brown noted the significance of the historic site for the announcement, saying “This is a special place for what it represents to our community, state, and nation. Cora Wilson Stewart was not only the first woman elected superintendent of Rowan County Schools and the first female president of the Kentucky Education Association, but she also founded Moonlight Schools here in 1911 to fight adult illiteracy. Stewart’s successful initiative gained national attention.”
The Mayor stated that the task force will have representation from all thirteen Appalachian states. White-Brown called for action on the gender inequalities that women face in areas of pay, education and childcare. The task force will be led by attorney Kim Reeder of Morehead.
“The obstacles Appalachian women face on a daily basis are obstacles our leaders and society have failed to address for generations,” said Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman. “This Task Force is an important step towards rectifying those inequalities and creating a more equitable Appalachia for everyone.”
Mayor White-Brown said recent sexual threats made toward her in her official capacity moved her to speak out and work toward change with and on behalf of women in Kentucky and beyond.
Attorney and Kentucky Commission on Women member Ashley Adkins spoke in support of the initiative and encouraged local businesses to become Green Dot certified furthering the call for action by creating safe workplaces and support through advocacy.
Anyone interested in more information can contact the Mayor directly at 606-207-8111 or by emailing mayor.whitebrown@morehead-ky.gov.
Additional information will be available at www.morehead-ky.gov or through the official City of Morehead Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofmoreheadky.